
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy

学生必须取得令人满意的学业进展(SAP),以获得学位 图表 below to receive financial aid at ISU.





  • SAP每年在学生作为普通学位学生入学第一学期后的春季学期或作为学位学生获得资助时进行评估. 一些额外的非学位学生可能会根据资助或项目规则计算SAP.
  • The annual SAP evaluation will include all courses attempted and earned in prior Summer, 秋天, and Spring semesters and will be based on the degree and major being pursued.  
  • 定量的(尝试和获得的小时数)和定性的(累积GPA) SAP进度被测量.
  • 为了在允许的最长时间内完成学位,学生必须成功完成至少67%的课程.
  • Changes in a student's program of study (major) may alter the SAP evaluation, putting the student at risk of exceeding the maximum time frame.
  • 开始下一个学位(新的本科或新的硕士或博士)的学生将被评估为新的学位和正在攻读的澳门合法赌场官网.
    • 学生可能需要自我认定为开始一个新的本科学位,以便在开始一个新项目时满足SAP第一次评估的标准.
  • 学生 meeting the standards listed above when calculated will be in 良好的信誉.
  • SAP悬挂 will be required for students who do not meet the requirements shown above. Eligibility for aid will be suspended.
  • 已经注册课程的学生将继续注册,但不会获得经济资助.
  • 规则统一适用于所有学生在所有入学期间,无论以前是否收到过援助.
  • 符合SAP最低要求但被国际州立大学开除的学生将被重新安排 SAP悬挂.
  • Eligibility is reestablished:
    • after the student improves their academic record to meet the minimum standards or
    • after an appeal due to unusual and/or mitigating circumstances is approved
  • 学生有责任在每学期结束时了解SAP的资格标准和他们的澳门赌场玩法官网. Please contact the Office of Student 金融援助 if questions arise.
  • If an appeal is approved, 学生的学业进步将以每学期为基础进行监测,以确保学生在达到SAP标准方面取得进展.


  • All courses taken at ISU and those taken elsewhere, recognized by the Office of Registration and Records, are counted as hours attempted regardless of grade assigned. This includes 不完整的s, failures, or withdrawals after the 7th day of each semester.
  • 只有在国际滑联取得成绩的课程,以及在国际滑联注册和记录办公室认可的可用于完成学位的其他地方的课程,才会被计算在内. (Example: A,A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, S, and P)
  • Courses shown as failed, 不完整的, 撤销, dropped or concluded with no grade submitted count as hours attempted and not earned. Additional courses with non-passing results are counted similarly.
  • 如果是一个等级, 除了不完整, is changed after the SAP evaluation, a new SAP evaluation will be performed.
  • All courses designated as repeated for grade improvement count as hours attempted, but only count once if passed as hours earned.
  • Courses attempted more than once, that are not designated as repeated for grade improvement, will be counted as both hours attempted and if passed as hours earned.
  • 审计和非学分课程没有资格获得财政援助,也不计入SAP计算.
  • 国际滑联注册和记录办公室确定的官方机构GPA用于所有定性测量.

Additional Earned Credits and Remedial Classes

  • 通过测试或其他非标准手段获得的学分在SAP计算中作为尝试时数和获得时数计算. This includes hours earned from Credit by Exam, CLEP和CEEB测试, AP课程, Foreign Language Placement, 工作经历, and Military Experience Credit.
  • All credit hours attempted through 国际 Student Exchange Program (ISEP), 出国留学, 印第安纳大学网络(ICN)以及通过与其他机构签订的联盟协议,将在尝试和获得的计算中计算.
  • 补习课程计入尝试时数和获得时数计算,即使学分可能不适用于完成学位要求. They may also impact GPA calculations.

Transfer 学生 or Former 学生

  • Transfer students will be considered for aid based on hours earned at the time of packaging.
  • 完整的学业成绩单必须提交给招生办公室或研究生和澳门合法赌场官网研究学院,以便在其他机构进行任何学术工作. 一个标准的SAP计算,包括这项工作和ISU小时,将在下一个计划的增量中运行.
  • 申请SAP的学生将根据他们的新年级水平重新计算助学金资格.
  • 学生 failing SAP will be placed on SAP悬挂 and lose eligibility for further aid. (见下文上诉部分).)
  • 学生 can request to have their transfer hours evaluated early in their first semester, but will be held accountable for the SAP calculation results immediately.
  • 学史证明SAP停学的学生或上次入学时正在上诉的返校学生将重新入学 SAP悬挂. (见下文上诉部分).)
  • 自最后一次ISU入学以来,任何学术工作的完整成绩单必须在第一学期结束前提交给招生办. A standard SAP calculation including this work will be run at the next scheduled increment.


  • 联邦法规禁止从SAP计算中扣除学术更新的时间.  因此, 这些学生的定量和定性SAP计算将包括他们的全部学术历史.
  • 在学术历史和学术更新中显示的课程转学学时只计算一次.
  • 在这一类别中重复的课程都将被视为尝试的小时,如果通过则作为获得的小时.

Appeals and Reinstatement

  • SAP悬挂 may be appealed if unusual and/or mitigating circumstances affected academic progress. 这种情况可能包括严重的疾病或学生或直系亲属受伤, the death of a student's relative, student activation into military service, 或其他需要SAP上诉委员会考虑的情况.
  • The student must submit a completed SAP上诉表格, which includes a written statement, 向学生经济援助办公室详细解释他们未能达到最低学术标准的原因, 是什么不寻常的和/或减轻的情况导致了失败?他们的情况是如何改善的. Need help with your appeal? 访问 http://echuwf.ku88mobi.net/financial-aid/sap-tips.
  • 学生将收到上诉委员会作出的决定的电子邮件,他们也可以在MyISU门户网站上查看决定.
  • Any appeal approvals will give the student's Academic Plan, the conditions and timeframe for maintaining aid eligibility.
  • When an appeal is approved, aid is reinstated for one term only. A disbursement hold will be placed on all remaining terms in the academic year, pending 呼吁重新评估 results. 
  • All decisions of the SAP Appeals Committee are final.
  • 累计成绩达到或超过最低要求的学生将恢复为 良好的信誉 from that point forward.
  • SAP appeals must be submitted 14 days prior to the end of the current semester.


  • 通过SAP申请的学生将在学期结束时被重新评估,以确保他们符合个人的学术计划.
  • 学生 who meet their Academic Plans will be approved for continued eligibility.
  • 不符合个人学业计划条款的学生将暂停获得未来的资助. 
  • 因未完成学业计划而被停学的学生将被允许提交SAP上诉.





220 North Seventh Street
Indiana State University



8:30 a.m. -中午及下午一时.m. - 4:30 p.m.


8:30 a.m. -中午及下午一时.m. - 4:00 p.m.